Coach do Coach

Os melhores profissionais e as melhores equipas têm um denominador comum: serem peritos nas competências intra e inter que perfazem as relações interpessoais entre todos os objectivos, as ferramentas e os meios.

quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011

MIT...Team Building and Communicational Impact

Alguns dos slides utilizados na formação no MIT no ISCTE.

2 comentários:

Tod Herskovitz disse...

Hi Mr. Lanca,

I've followed your blog for over a year now. I found it because of certain Portugese futbol coaching blogs I read. Unfortunately, I don't speak Portugese, although some day I hope to learn, and I use the Google translation to read your posts.

I think this Power Point is a great distillation of everything I've read from you. I simply want to thank you and encourage you to keep up the good work.

Best regards,

Tod Herskovitz

Rui Lança disse...

Dear Tod,

Thanks a lot for your comment. Very nice to read. I will try write more in english. Can you tell me what are you doing?

Best regards and see you...
