Coach do Coach

Os melhores profissionais e as melhores equipas têm um denominador comum: serem peritos nas competências intra e inter que perfazem as relações interpessoais entre todos os objectivos, as ferramentas e os meios.

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

Why athletes choke

Ainda ontem abordou-se isto numa acção de formação. Obrigado Richard!

"Oftentimes we see athletes perform in games below what they are capable of perform in games the way you perform in practice when there is no pressure.

Choking can be defined as the inability to perform when we know what to do and how to do it. In other words, it is not choking if you have never performed the skill before and do not expect to. When you have the ability and have performed the skill before then you should be able to perform that skill most of the time when playing in games and/or matches. While this sounds easy, we often beat ourselves up trying to accomplish this goal. While everyone is apt to choke in life, when you understand why human beings choke you will be better prepared to choke less often than your opponents and inevitably improve your athletic performance and be more successful in your sport.

Choking will always occur if you are afraid and/or have self-doubt. If you think back to the last time you choked, you probably either were fearful of the opponent or situation and/or had a self-doubt of your abilities. When you feel this way, the body responds with anxiety played out in tight muscles and a rapid heart rate (amongst many other things). Not only will these symptoms physiologically create tension in your body, they also take your focus and concentration away from what you are supposed to do, and instead focus your attention on the we have discussed earlier you will be ready to counter the nerves you may experience and play in your zone more frequently!

Interestingly, it is usually irrational fear that prompts athletes to choke. In other words there really is not a lot of ‘fear’ in sports (sure you could get injured, but you can also get accidentally injured riding a bike or working out in the weight room, too). Irrational fear includes what people will think of you if you fail, or the embarrassment you might experience if you blow a play. The reason these are examples of irrational fear is that you are not in any physical danger of getting hurt other than your feelings possibly. It is important to understand that the nervous energy you experience through fear and/or self-doubt can be harnessed and channeled into productive, positive energy that can put you in flow! By learning about your current fears and doubts you can develop personal pre-game routines to turn your negative energy into positive energy in a matter of moments! Composed by Christopher Stankovich."

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Isto é válido para todos os aspectos da vida, não apenas no desporto. Qualquer profissional, em qualquer actividade sofre ou pode sofrer deste fenómeno mas ele é mais visível em actividades relacionadas com a actividade desportiva e criativa porque estão impregnadas de incerteza.

Rui Lança disse...

Obrigado pelo comentário. Também concordo!
